And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Acts 16:31
As challenging as this year has been, it is still hard to believe that we are already in the month of December. And, along with so many others, I too began decorating our house a little earlier than usual. The tree is up, décor is out, stockings hung, and the lights and garland are up.
I collect all kinds of Santa Clauses - pictures, figurines, wooden signs, pillows, stuffed Santa Clauses, ornaments, etc. As I looked over my house, I noticed that I seem to be gathering quite a few ornaments and signs that say “Believe”.
Throughout the holiday season, this word is associated with believing in the magic and wonder of Christmas. While I must say that I do get caught up in Santa and the wonder of it all, the word “Believe” really does take on a deeper meaning for me.
The dictionary says to believe is to accept something as true; feel sure of the truth of; have faith, especially religious faith. To believe is more than hoping and wishing for something good to come our way. It is more than wishing in a jolly old man or putting our hope in any man for that matter. And, to believe is more than just going through life grasping at anything that comes our way.
“There are numerous other stories of men and women, boys and girls, that placed their faith and hope in God. But the question for here and now is what do you believe? ”
All throughout the Bible, some 289 times we find the word “believe” or some derivative of it. Scriptures and stories of those that believe in God and those that chose to find their own way.
In the text above, Paul and Silas were captured and thrown in jail for preaching and sharing about Jesus. It was midnight, yet these beaten and wounded men began to praise God. Their worship was a result of their deeply rooted faith in Jesus. The grounds began to shake, the doors to the jail opened up and their stocks fell off. The jailer had a serious encounter with the God of Paul and Silas and he asked THE question, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul and Silas answered with a simple response to a clear message, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
In Luke 1, we find Mary is visiting with her cousin, Elizabeth. Both of these ladies are pregnant. Elizabeth is pregnant with John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus who declared the message to repent; and, Mary is pregnant with the Messiah, the Savior of the world.
I have always been so fascinated that this very young Jewish girl was chosen to be the mother of Jesus, God made flesh. Gabriel appeared to Mary to bring the profound message to her that she would bring forth the Christ Child. Mary responded to Gabriel, “… Be it unto me according to thy word.” Mary believed that every word spoken to her would come to pass.
There are numerous other stories of men and women, boys and girls, that placed their faith and hope in God. But the question for here and now is what do you believe? What do you accept as truth? Do you see the Bible as fairy tales? Or, have you embraced the Word of God as truth and hope to your soul? Only you know the answer to these questions.
In a year like no other known to most of us in our lifetimes, believing in something bigger than ourselves brings peace and a steadfast hope like no other. Paul and Silas faced severe persecution for sharing their faith in Jesus. Yet they did it anyway because they chose to believe. Mary faced insurmountable obstacles as a virgin girl who would give birth to the Son of God. How could she do it? She could move forward in peace, embracing the purpose for her life because of her faith in God. She believed. Will you?
I could tell you story after story of how in the heart wrenching, devastating, and the most helpless moments of my life when I didn’t know or understand the plan of God that I knew He never left me.