Even There
…even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
A while back, I was on social media, scrolling through to see the various posts of friends and family when I came upon one with the above passage. It was posted by a long-time friend whose family was facing the deteriorating health of a loved one; and, unless God performs a miracle, the passing of their precious family member. But what struck me wasn’t only the scripture, but his comment that simply said, “Yes, even there…”
This scripture is part of a familiar chapter written by King David. It is a chapter that is used for all sorts of sermons, devotions, studies, etc. The Life Application Study Bible, the New International Version, says the theme of Psalm 139 is this:
“God is all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present God. God knows us, God is with us, and his greatest gift is to allow us to know him.”
I have read the verses in this chapter numerous times. But quite honestly, most of the time, I read right over the first two words in verse ten, going ahead directly to the part about God’s hand leading me and his right hand holding me never noticing those two words, “even there.”
I don’t know about your “even there” times. I only know mine. I could tell you story after story of how in the heart wrenching, devastating, and the most helpless moments of my life when I didn’t know or understand the plan of God that I knew He never left me. In those “even there’s” of my life, I sensed the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit and the love of God leading me through, holding on to me ever so tightly.
But. I also need to tell you that in my humanity, in my weakest moments, there have been times when I asked myself the question, “God, are you here?” In King David’s life, he recorded the moments of triumph and the intervention of God’s hand.
David shared many passages of the greatness and power of God in his life; however, King David also shared of his weakness, his sin, his crying out to God to save him, deliver him, and to forgive him.
In my friend’s situation, He declared to all of us that yes, God is right here in the middle of my crisis. He is here in the waiting, the watching, and the dying of his loved one. We are no different. It is in those “there” situations of our lives that we must pause and remember all of the “even there” times when God’s manifested presence—his love, strength, grace and mercy was undeniably evident to sustain us.
In Romans 8:35-39, Paul writes there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus. Paul gives us a list declaring no trouble, hardship, persecution, or famine, nakedness, danger, or sword; neither death, or life, angels, demons, the present nor the future, no powers, height nor depth – nothing in all creation could carry out the task of separating us from God.
My challenge to you is two-fold.
Make a list of bible verses to remind you of the nearness of God and his promises. Then, write down your “even there” stories in your life. Why?
Write them so that if your faith should become weak or you become overwhelmed with life, you can encourage yourself of his ever-present help and closeness in your times of trouble.