“I’m Here”
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Our family was getting together and my son’s family had just gotten to our house. As our grandsons were coming inside, our next to youngest grandson came running in shouting, “Hey everybody, I’m here!” He wanted to make sure that everyone knew he had arrived!
Moses had died and God was appointing Joshua as the leader to succeed Moses. There was a new generation to lead to Canaan - the Promised Land.
In the first chapter of Joshua, God is commissioning Joshua and gives him specific promises and instructions. The children of Israel had set up camp at the Jordan River and the first thing they were to do is to arise and go over the Jordan River. Then, God promises that:
“You see, my grandson’s entrance into our house reminded me of this very truth. I knew that my son’s family had arrived and I knew that all of the children were there; however, our grandson wanted to make sure that we recognized his presence.”
*Every place the soles of their feet tread would belong to them.
*No man would be able to stand against them all the days of their life if they obeyed the law that had been given.
*Just as God was with Moses, he said to Joshua, “…so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.”
In verses six through nine, God tells Joshua three times to be strong and courageous. In verses five and nine, God reminds Joshua that he would not be forsaken—that God would not leave him and would be with him wherever he would go.
Jesus makes a similar promise to us. We read in Matthew 28:20, where Jesus was about to ascend to heaven and He was giving the Great Commission. Jesus ends by saying, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
This promise was not just for the disciples that He was commissioning, but to all of His followers down through the ages. Even though Jesus was leaving the physical, tangible presence of His disciples to go to Heaven, Jesus assured them and us that He would continue to be with us through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
You see, my grandson’s entrance into our house reminded me of this very truth. I knew that my son’s family had arrived and I knew that all of the children were there; however, our grandson wanted to make sure that we recognized his presence. And just like God reminded Joshua that He would never leave him and Jesus told the disciples the same; we need to be reminded too.
If we are honest with ourselves, this past year has challenged our faith and trust in God. I, for one, have not been vigilant to keep the words of Jesus front and center of my heart and soul. At times, I was not strong and courageous. My eyes drifted to the right and to the left doubting if God was really there.
But! God’s Word does not lie. Emmanuel, “God with us” was really with us! In the best and in the darkest of times, He did not walk away. We may not have sensed God’s presence or even understood our journey in 2020, but God was faithful to His Word.
As we enter into 2021, we have no idea what it will bring. However, no matter what happens, let us dare to decide that we will boldly hold onto God’s Word and all that He promises to us—His children. We can be strong and courageous knowing that God is saying to us, “I’M HERE!”
Happy New Year!
I could tell you story after story of how in the heart wrenching, devastating, and the most helpless moments of my life when I didn’t know or understand the plan of God that I knew He never left me.