Martha, Martha…
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things,” Luke 10:41
I grew up watching a family show called The Brady Bunch. There was one episode where Jan, the middle sister, is furious with her older sister, Marcia. Marcia is the popular one that excels at everything, has all of the boyfriends, is smart, and pretty. Or, at least this is what Jan thinks. Jan is frustrated with her sister and the one line that became famous, which was spoken in only one episode is “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.”
“When I have guests coming, my husband will tell you that I work myself in a “tizzy” trying to prepare the food, cleaning the house, making sure everything is presentable and ready. ”
This past week, the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-41 was impressed in my mind and heart. Jesus and the disciples were on their way to a village where Martha opened her home for him. The Bible says that Mary, Martha’s sister, chose to sit at the feet of Jesus while Martha was busy attending to the preparations that had to be made.
I can identify with Martha. When I have guests coming, my husband will tell you that I work myself in a “tizzy” trying to prepare the food, cleaning the house, making sure everything is presentable and ready. And, there are times that I wish I had help getting everything done.
I imagine that Martha couldn’t keep her aggravation hidden any longer. While Martha is working so hard, Mary is not pulling her fair share but sitting there – hanging on every word that Jesus speaks. And so, Martha decides that she should point this out to Jesus. I mean surely Jesus would make Mary get up and help a sister out. But Jesus says, “Martha, Martha …” In my mind, I can almost hear Jesus add another “Martha” as He talks to her.
The Passion Translation says that Jesus said to Martha, “...Why are you upset and troubled, pulled away by all these many distractions? “
Distractions—Ouch. As of late, I have been convicted and find myself guilty of being preoccupied with all of the things that I think have to be done. And in my busyness, I have missed opportunities to seize the moment of being present - present to love, to listen to a breaking heart, to smile, to pray, and even to receive what the Lord wants to say to my heart.
Jesus loved this family. I don’t believe that Jesus called Martha’s name to scold her. I believe Jesus wanted to speak a truth into Martha’s soul to balance her workaholic tendencies.
Just as Jesus wanted to balance Martha, the Holy Spirit has also been speaking to me with the following:
First, there will always be work to do; I must be intentional to evaluate the time and priority of the moment.
Second, finishing tasks to complete a checklist cannot always be the goal. Learning flexibility to go with the flow will lessen my judging and frustration with others.
And third, the enemy will send distractions of every kind. I must learn to listen for His voice to get in rhythm with the when, where, and how the Holy Spirit is working.
You see, Mary understood that Jesus was there - in her house. She might not get this opportunity again. For Mary, the choice was simple – it would always be Jesus.
I could tell you story after story of how in the heart wrenching, devastating, and the most helpless moments of my life when I didn’t know or understand the plan of God that I knew He never left me.