Rough Waters
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b
If you have followed my articles for any length of time, you will know that I love going to the beach. I can sit and look at the ocean coming in and out for hours. No matter what is going on in my life, sitting at the beach helps me to re-focus on the priorities of life and who and/or what matters most.
This summer of beach visits has not disappointed. But in recent visits, I have noticed more red flags flying. The waters have been rough and the undertow very strong. On this last visit, I couldn’t stop looking at the rough waters. It resonated with me, reminding me of so many people that are facing “rough waters” or storms in their lives. I won’t sugarcoat the fact that my heart was heavy and I would be lying if I pretended that it wasn’t. There are so many people facing sickness, grief, heartache, questioning what to do, and facing a significant crisis in their life.
“There are so many people facing sickness, grief, heartache, questioning what to do, and facing a significant crisis in their life.”
As I sat on the beach, praying for so many and with tears flowing, the Holy Spirit began to remind me of different passages of scriptures.
“We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair.” II Corinthians 4:8.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
And, the above passage where Jesus told the disciples and all the generations that followed and will follow, “…I am with you always…”
“Rough waters or the storms of life can come on us with little to no warning.”
You see, I know that my hope is in Jesus whether I understand His plan or not. Let’s be real, most of the time, more accurately, all of the time I don’t understand why children get sick leaving us too soon, buildings collapse, storms come, mommas die and daddies leave their wives and kids. I don’t have the answers and when I try to figure it out, it is then that the enemy comes in like a flood wanting me to blame God for all of the bad things that happen. But! It is at that moment that I remember that my Jesus doesn’t work like that. Jesus loves his children and he isn’t the One to unleash troubles and heartache. The real culprit is sin. The truth is that Jesus knows everything going on in my life and yours; and, Jesus promises to be with us no matter what. And that my friend, is the comfort that my heart and yours longs for.
We used to have a boat and would ride over to Cumberland Island. On one particular return trip to St Marys, a storm arose. The rain started, the waves became rough and I was scared. You better know that I prayed and held on for dear life until we got back to shore.
Rough waters or the storms of life can come on us with little to no warning. We may not be able to control what life brings, but we can know this: we can take comfort in the words of Jesus, knowing that He will not abandon his children but will be with us to the end – no matter what.