The Unexpected…
“Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.” Luke 22:39
Jesus and the disciples had finally made it to the Mount of Olives, a secluded place where they would once again spend the night. (Luke 21:37). They were very tired from the activity of the week. Jesus made his entrance into Jerusalem, riding on the colt as prophesied of old. He cleared the temple of the money-changers who were selling their goods to make a profit. And every day, Jesus taught in the temple – teaching as one with authority, captivating those under the sound of his voice. Then, Thursday came. This would be the evening to celebrate another Passover, same as before. Or so they thought.
The disciples were ready to retire for the night. They could hardly keep their eyes open while Jesus went a little way up the mountain to pray. The routine schedule of the week set the stage for the enemies’ plan to unfold. Little did they know what was on the horizon. The unexpected was about to start a chain of events that would shake them to the core, changing the course of history for all mankind. They would never have their normal again. Days spent with Jesus would be gone.
Of course, we know what happened. That very night, on Maundy Thursday, Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Jesus was arrested, put on trial, humiliated and beaten beyond recognition. Convicted and sentenced to die, Jesus carried the cross to Golgotha, the place of the skull, where he was crucified. Then, Jesus died.
The disciples and those closest to Jesus were devastated. They didn’t understand. The One they loved, the One they had hoped would be their conqueror of Rome, their Messiah was gone. All hope was lost.
“So, here we are in Holy Week of 2020. This pandemic has upset our world. We will probably never have our old routine again. Maybe that is a good thing. What Satan intended for evil, has been turned for good.”
At the beginning of 2020, we had no idea what was before us. We expected another year to unfold like before. Winter would disappear giving way to Spring. Spring Break to Palm Sunday, and Holy Week to Easter. Our families would be together celebrating the holiday filled with egg hunts, good food, worship gatherings, and the routine of our lives would carry on.
Little did we know what was coming. Just as the disciples were, we have also been caught off guard by the unexpected! We have been devastated by the sickness, the many deaths, closing of schools, social distancing, and trying to figure out how to have church services for one of the biggest traditional holidays of the year. All of this happened because of the unseen enemy – Covid19.
Like the disciples, it is easy to wonder if we will ever have our “normal” again. They had been with Jesus for three years – day in and day out. The disciples had heard the teachings of Jesus but didn’t truly grasp all that He had told them. I have to wonder if there were days where they might have even taken the gift of Jesus for granted.
What about us? I wonder the same. Have we taken for granted our time with one another? Our time for corporate worship? Our touch and hugs from friends that are dear to our hearts? Maybe – maybe not.
But thank the good Lord, this is not how the story ends.
“Early in the morning, on the first day of the week, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.” Luke 24:1 The stone was rolled away and Jesus’ body was not there! He had risen. Death was defeated by the only One who could – Jesus, the King.
The disciples and Jesus’ followers were still faced with a new normal-if there is such a thing. Jesus appeared to them, bidding them peace, and reminding them of all that He had taught. It all began to come together. Jesus’ teachings were beginning to become clear. Jesus was victorious and He was alive. Satan meant harm and thought he had succeeded in killing Jesus. But he was wrong!
So, here we are in Holy Week of 2020. This pandemic has upset our world. We will probably never have our old routine again. Maybe that is a good thing. What Satan intended for evil, has been turned for good. This virus has not won. Satan had no idea that the church would rise-up in a matter of weeks, propelling the Gospel message of Jesus and the hope that He brings, around the world through the means of technology! This pandemic has drawn people from all over the world to pray, asking God for healing, strength, salvation and hope!
I am not making light of the situation. We know that this Holy Week and Easter will be like no other. However, I must believe that just like the disciples, we can say:
Yes, Thursday came with the unexpected and horror.
Yes, Friday happened – the enemy’s assault to steal our hope, peace, joy, and to destroy lives forever was his plan.
BUT! Sunday came, bringing salvation, redemption, victory, and hope to all who would believe! Our praise will not be silent! Jesus rules and reigns! He came giving hope to the hopeless, rest to the weary, and most of all, eternal life to all who would believe and accept Him as their Savior! Jesus is alive! He is risen!