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Where Do I Go From Here?

Have you ever stopped to examine your life and thought, “How did I get here? How did I get to this point?” I have. As recently as this past week, I reflected over my life to where I am now.

If I were to ask you that question(s), how would you answer? What would you say about your life? I am sure if I asked these questions to a random group of people, there would be a variety of answers. Some people may look at their life and shake their head thinking, “what a mess I have made.” Some may examine their current state, and say nonchalantly, “Eh, could be better – could be worse.” I am certain that there would be those individuals that would humbly say, “I can’t believe how fortunate and blessed I have been, and I am today.”

Our lives are a culmination of our own choices, decisions, and responses that we have made bringing us to where we are. I have heard my husband say and preach many times, “all of life is connected.” And it’s true. Every choice we make today will affect our life tomorrow. Oh, it may not be the very next day, but down the road it will come back to you one way or the other.

There is an old saying that says, “what goes around comes around.” The bible says it like this, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” Galatians 6:7. How ever you decide to live your life will have an impact on tomorrow.

As a Christian, the Bible teaches that our steps-our life is directed by the Lord. Psalms 37:23 says, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” But what about people that aren’t believers in Jesus? What or who directs your decisions in your life? Is it Karma? Or is it you?

I believe that the question I asked earlier is a good way to begin to look at your life. This past Sunday, I had a moment where I thought about my life. At that moment, two things came to mind. One was how blessed I am. Let me clarify that my life, just like yours, has not been a bed of roses. I have faced good times and very difficult times and seasons. But through all of it, there was one constant which brings me to the second thought: how grateful I am for Jesus’ love, forgiveness and faithfulness. He has always been present and with this reckoning, I know that I can’t live without Him.

Have I always made the right choices? No. But that was not Jesus’ fault. I can say that I have always been presented with the right and wrong choices. It was up to me to decide which path I would choose. 

So. I propose to you that we are only two months into this year with a lot of the calendar left in 2025. And whether a Christian or a non-believer, we all have been given the opportunity to stop and honestly evaluate where our life choices have brought us to. It may be time to ask the hard questions.

*Am I satisfied with my life today?

*Do I need to make some changes?

*Am I headed down a path that I will regret?

*How are my life choices going to affect my family and those around me?

No matter where you are, it is never too late to make a change in the trajectory of your life. Seek wise counsel to help guide you in the right direction. And yes, I will always suggest that a life surrendered to Jesus is a life worth living.