A Father’s Resolve
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A Father's Resolve
Sermon Highlights: Applying Bible concepts to our lives - Part 5 A Father’s Resolve
We have a culture that baits us to the edge of disaster and then criticizes us when we step over the line. Culture is not going to change.
I have been doing a series these last few weeks on Bible application partly taken from James 1:22: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Application is what makes all the difference.
This morning I want us, as Fathers, to have this resolve - - we will apply God’s principles in our lives no matter how our emotions feel or what our culture is. Let’s look at what happens when we make this determination. Daniel provides us with an example.
Daniel 1:1 - 20 Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah made up their minds not to defile themselves with the rich Babylonian food.
1:9 “Now God. .: As you are evaluating God’s Word, don’t miss this. God will use His Word to protect and to direct you. Daniel’s decision to live God’s way in spite of being a captive in a foreign land defined the rest of his life. You and I have no idea what hangs in the balance of our decision to live by the principles of God’s Word.
I challenge you to read the story in Daniel 1 and to consider what it means for you in this day and at this time. In Proverbs 11:3a, we read, “The integrity of the upright guides them . . .” What would God do with you and with me if we walked according to HIS principles? We could avoid so many future regrets. Do you have it in you to live by God’s standards no matter what anyone else in your life might say or do?