A Message from Heaven
“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21
I believe that every now and then, God gives us a glimpse or a message from heaven. Whether you are desperate for direction for your life, grieving the loss of a loved one, or feeling you have no purpose or reason to live, at just the right time, God will show up with a message of hope. I know some may argue that this is not theologically sound; but when you have experienced a glimpse from above, you know it is real whether anyone else believes you or not.
Mary tried to explain to Joseph exactly what Gabriel said when he delivered the message from God, but Joseph just couldn't believe it was real. Don't be too hard on Joseph. He was a good man who knew the law. Joseph would never publicly disgrace the woman he loved. He could never allow Mary to be stoned for her unfaithfulness; so, he would privately divorce Mary and spare her life.
“During the Christmas season, we tend to focus on Mary, the manger, the wise men, the shepherds, and of course, Jesus. But what about Joseph? I mean, most people would think that Joseph’s role was of lesser importance than Mary.”
Such turmoil must have overtaken him as he attempted to sleep. Hurt and devastated that Mary would do such a thing must have caused him to toss and turn. Finally, sleep came. That was when the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and assured him that Mary was telling the truth - it wasn't a fabricated story to cover up unfaithfulness. The angel then spoke the above passage to Joseph that Joseph would be the one to give his son, born of a virgin, the name of Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
Joseph was a man of character and integrity. He lived his life trying to always do the right thing. And because of this, Joseph needed to hear from above. Joseph needed this supernatural visit from heaven to stop him from walking away from the destiny and purpose for his life.
During the Christmas season, we tend to focus on Mary, the manger, the wise men, the shepherds, and of course, Jesus. But what about Joseph? I mean, most people would think that Joseph's role was of lesser importance than Mary. I would beg to differ. Joseph was chosen by God to fulfill a vital purpose in the birth of the Savior.
It is important to note that in the Jewish culture, it was the father's responsibility to name the child. Joseph was hand-picked by God to raise His only Son. It would be Joseph's responsibility to fulfill the role of Jesus' earthly father. Joseph was entrusted with Jesus' life to give him his name, raise Him, teach him the Jewish ways, and to teach him the trade of a carpenter.
You may be thinking, "Kim this is all good but how is God speaking to me through this part of the Christmas story?"
I believe that God wants you to know that your life is important. You are not here by happenstance. You are not a mistake. You have purpose - a God given destiny and plan for your life. Don’t lose hope or walk away from the love of a Savior who is calling you to walk in His divine plan!
I could tell you story after story of how in the heart wrenching, devastating, and the most helpless moments of my life when I didn’t know or understand the plan of God that I knew He never left me.