Reflections - God’s Goodness
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14
Here we are at the end of another year. While some may want to look ahead and make resolutions for 2022, my mind will only allow me to reflect on 2021.
As I look back over this year, I asked myself the question, “What did I learn through all of the joys and challenges that 2021 brought?” I can’t say that I immediately started listing all sorts of lessons learned. In fact, I began naming different things I experienced throughout the year—some joyous and some heartbreaking and devastating.
“Throughout all of 2021, I saw the faithfulness and goodness of the Lord in every part of my life. Not everything that came in 2021 was pleasant ”
Just like many of you, Covid hit our house. We made it through it while some were not so fortunate. In the late summer, we lost dear friends to Covid and cancer in a manner of weeks. It was difficult attempting to minister to families losing fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, sisters and brothers when we couldn’t even wrap our minds around the loss. But even in this, I saw God’s goodness to us by walking with us each day bringing comfort and hope.
The year didn’t bring only heartache but also brought us great joy as well. Our family grew with a sweet grandson who was born healthy and strong. We watched our daughter and daughter-in-law work very hard to finish their education and they did it! Both of them graduated college this year.
Goodness is defined as “the quality of being morally good or virtuous; kindness, generosity or beneficial-the state or characteristic of being good.”
In chapter 27, the Psalmist David was ridiculed and chased by his enemies. At times, I am sure that his faith was weak and he was at the point of fainting under his afflictions. Yet, David chose to set his heart on the goodness of the Lord rather than dwelling on his troubles. Matthew Henry Commentary says this: “Those that walk by faith in the goodness of the Lord shall in due time walk in the sight of that goodness. This he hopes to see the land of the living, that is in this world, that he should outlive his troubles and not perish under them. It is his comfort, not so much that he shall see the land of the living as that he shall see the goodness of God in it; for that is the comfort of all creature-comforts to a gracious soul.”
What lesson(s) did I learn? I learned about the goodness of the Lord. Throughout all of 2021, I saw the faithfulness and goodness of the Lord in every part of my life. Not everything that came in 2021 was pleasant - it wasn’t. There were times that I had a hard time seeing the goodness of the Lord and I questioned and cried out “Why?” Yet, through it all, God remained faithful. His presence and comfort, His patience and kindness became very real in my life.
I don’t have fancy words – just simple ones at best. But I want to close 2021 with a grateful heart thanking God for my family and friends, for health and provision, for God’s love, mercy, grace, forgiveness and yes, His goodness.
Happy New Year! May God bless you abundantly in 2022.