Help Me Believe
Growing in faith is a constant process of choosing every day to renew ourselves in the Word of God and to grow in trusting and depending on Jesus.
Twinkle little stars
When I look to the skies, I see what looks like a “gazillion” stars. I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that God knows every single star and calls them out one by one, and none of them are lost!
Just Testify!
Persecution pushed the early church from formal worship in the temple to moving from house to house, sometimes secretly, to share the good news of Jesus. They shared their experiences and encounters with Jesus.
The Good Things
I have a sticky note on my desk that says, “Encourage someone today!” Yes, I wrote it myself so that I wouldn’t forget to not only encourage others, but to remember to encourage myself. While you may think that it sounds foolish to encourage myself, let me ask you a few questions.
Lovin’ Your Neighbor
My parents always opened our home for ministers to eat with us and if necessary, they were welcome to stay in our home. There was never a question about whether their color or culture would decide if they could stay or not.
Fierce Obedience - Daring Faith
This world is in a state of chaos. Unemployment is at an all-time high and news of the pandemic is everywhere we turn. Anxiety and depression are rampant. Hope seems nowhere to be found.
The Unexpected…
So, here we are in Holy Week of 2020. This pandemic has upset our world. We will probably never have our old routine again. Maybe that is a good thing. What Satan intended for evil, has been turned for good.
My Hope Is In Jesus
This week I have been fighting this battle. The “what if” game has resounded in my mind and fear has been at war against my hope and faith in Jesus.
Love One Another
While growing up, I can remember my brother, sister, and myself “going at it.” There were days that we got along and then there were days where we argued and sometimes, fought like cats and dogs. If you have siblings, you understand completely. Oh, we truly loved each other but we too had our moments like most brothers and sisters.